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'Seán an tSneachta': 12 excellent translations from Game of Thrones as Gaeilge

The first book has just been released in Irish and there is much fun to be found in its pages.

THE GAME OF Thrones books are lengthy enough, but if you want to make it really challenging for yourself, why not read them as Gaeilge?

cluiche Source: Siopa.ie

An Irish version of the first book, Cluiche na Corónach, has just been translated by Oisín Ó Murithile and released by Leabhar Breac.

We got our hands on a copy and picked out the Irish translations of the best known characters, places, and catchphrases from the series – if you want to pick one up for yourself, you can do so from Siopa.ie.


wikia Source: HBO

Yes, really. His half brothers and sisters don’t get to have a lot of fun with the Irish translations of their names – they’re Raib, Sansa, Airia, Branán and Riocán.


jaimelannister Source: HBO

Séimí! SÉIMÍ. And his sister? Soirse Lanastair.


hodor Source: HBO

How this will work in light of the revelations from the latest season is as yet unclear.


thehoun Source: HBO

Not An Madra, as you may have expected.


joffrey Source: HBO

Still evil, even as Gaeilge.


danaerys Source: HBO

In case you were wondering, ‘Khaleesi’ is unchanged in the Irish translation.


theon Source: HBO

‘Liath’ is grey, and ‘lúith’ can mean being energetic and fit, so it’s a pretty literal translation.


eddard Source: HBO

In Irish, poor old Ned is simply ‘Eideard Stairc’.


theironthrone Source: HBO

At the start of the series, Joffrey is the heir to the Iron Throne, or ‘oidhre na Ríchathaoireach Iarainn’.


winterfell Source: HBO

‘Geimh’ derives from ‘geimhreadh’, meaning ‘winter’, while ‘sceird’ means ‘bleak, windswept place’. Apt, no?


thewall Source: Wikia

Slightly more imposing than An Balla.


kingslanding Source: Wikia

Westeros, the ficitional continent where Game of Thrones is set, is known in the Irish translation as ‘Iartharas’.

Cluiche na Corónach is available from Siopa.ie here. Thank you to Derek O’Brien for help with translation

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More: A Czech Gaeilgeoir tells us why people should go to this Irish-language festival>

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